Do you feel like you live in a continual state of chaos and attack? Do you feel like warfare has increased in the last few years leaving you tired, worn out and defeated?

Are you tired of living in battle mode and going through the same cycles over and over?

Do you feel everything swirling in the world around you and feel like you don’t know how to rise above it? Do you long to step into your inheritance and bring healing and deliverance to those around you?

Come on a journey of spiritual intelligence

Become equipped to rise above the darkness of the hour and find the authority Jesus has given you to live victorious every day.

Throughout four bootcamp seasons lasting four weeks each, we are leading on a journey to take back your keys and live as the giant slayer that you are called to be.

“It’s time the Remnant took back their keys!”

As we were praying, God spoke loud and clear “It’s time the Remnant took back their keys!” We knew it was a clarion call and a clear directive for us to lead the charge and raise up a hungry group of new-breed revivalists into a lifestyle of living offensively and militantly against the forces of darkness and carrying the spiritual aptitude to discern and see what is coming and how to counteract it.

It’s time for the bride to arise with power and authority and it’s time it came through YOU!

So this is your invitation…

If you are over the expected, the mundane, and over eating old manna.. join us for a year where you won’t leave the same.

  • Angie, USA

    RMNT has deeply impacted my life! Bringing me closer to the Father and sharpening my identity in Christ! There is so much deep revelation and inner healing in this course. I would recommend this to everyone what a beautiful way to GROW!!!! A great way to start a new year with a fresh commitment to the Lord get ready for deeper encounters with him!

  • Crystal, USA

    Get ready for a fresh perspective of how the Father sees you and how he wants you to see your identity, so you can be bold and courageous and be sent out to a hurt and broken world without being timid of the calling and the gifting he has placed inside of you! It’s a course that both Nate and Christy have poured into and you won’t be disappointed! You will leave this course, refreshed, renewed, bold, and courageous!

  • Inka, Germany

    I was so incredibly blessed by this course. Combined with the community on Facebook, the mentors and the incredible teaching by Nate and Christy made this a milestone in my personal walk with Jesus.

  • Suzanne, USA

    Indescribable!!! Through these incredible lessons, mentors and the counsel of the Holy Spirit, I’ve come to realize that I have a sound AND my sound actually matters! I am learning how to cultivate my sound/my gift in the secret place so I can GO into the world and share the gospel the way God designed for me to! I can’t put a price on how these courses have impacted me! Thank you Nate and Christy and all the mentors! I’ll never be the same!

  • Amanda, USA

    This first season dove me right into encountering Abba God for the first time as my Beautiful, Magnificent, Loving Father! I knew Jesus and The Holy Spirit…but I never knew and encountered God as The Father, My Father! It just makes everything right! He also revealed and destroyed so many lies I had once believed before this course, it has really marked my life and brought me into a deeper level of His Glorious Light. I’m ever so grateful for this course, being born again for 6 years now, this is the first time I’m learning and receiving my identity and my righteousness as A Daughter of A Magnificent All-Powerful Daddy God! I recommend anyone to take this course and take it seriously, you will recieve more than you imagined. God Bless!